The Era Of Making Money By Uploading Videos With Yandex Zen Has Begun!

As you know, for years, Google has provided website owners, bloggers and YouTube content producers with the opportunity to generate revenue through ads delivers. Although he has some rivals against him, so far he has had no rivals to shake his throne. But lately he owns a lot of sites and channels on YouTube those who did complained that incomes had fallen drastically. And that's when Yandex went on the offensive. Normally Yandex already has the opportunity to monetize bloggers he did, but Yandex Zen bloggers will now be able to make money not only from the articles he writes, but from the videos he posts. Moreover, the beautiful and different side of the work, both writing and shooting videos at the same time, you will be able to generate income from a single place. Of course, there are conditions that content producers must meet for this. However, Yandex announced that it would provide convenience in the desired conditions. Your Monetization tab opens when the total read and watc...