Very Important Disclosures from Toy Hunt Channel
Late in the day child Toy Hunt is famous YouTube channel Enes Baturina passing as the number of subscribers in Turkey is the largest individual channel the news was made. Due to the fact that the news is not made by people without technical knowledge After this important change at the YouTube summit, the channel's subscribers claimed to be bot. The number of subscribers and 300 subscribers received was not believable. Afterwards, there was an intense pressure on the channel, especially by Enes Batur fans. The owner of the channel received statements about these allegations and Serhat Uzunkök was announced on the YouTube channel. When the channel was originally past Enes Batur but the number of subscribers is unknown, when the number of subscribers is made public, It was emphasized that the number of subscribers did not increase by 8 million in one day or one month as claimed. It was announced that the subscribers are not bots and that the process of acquiring subscribers is a long ...