Who is Hasan Zeyd Kizil, The Mechanic Of Life?

Who is Hasan Kizil and where is he from? How old is she? Why do they call him a life mechanic? This Is Hasan Kizil's life!

Hello. In this article we will tell you about Hasan Kizil, known by his nickname as the life mechanic. We will provide you with information about him. Why did he get such a nickname, let's start telling his story quickly and quickly…

Hasan Zeyd Kızıl

Hasan Kizil's full name is actually Hasan Zeyd Kizil. Hasan Zeyd Kizil was born on 22 June 1995 in the Kızıltepe District of Mardin. He finished secondary school in Boyakli Village. He attended high school in Kiziltepe.

The story of Hasan Kizil's act of kindness, who missed two years for taking a cat and a dog to the vet, even for a university exam,
it began one winter night with an effort to rescue a cat trapped in the engine of its guests ' car.

In fact, there was always a love of good in you. When he was in high school, he made heated boats for soldiers and private security guards, navigated walking sticks for the visually impaired, but what he was dealing with at that time was not fully understood at his school.

He made his first walker for a cat with no feet, which he saw walking past a restaurant in Mardin.
Over time he realized that he wanted to improve the lives of especially disabled animals.

At first he started making walkers for animals with parts of the toys in his house, but after a while the toys ran out.
He then designed walkers out of these items to break down the items he found from the scraps and to animals who couldn't walk.
He was collecting old bikes, strollers, pipes, whatever he could convert.

As time went on, she started sending messages on social media to help her make a walker for disabled animals around a lot of people.
Even the scraps he collected were no longer enough.

Over time, he became aware that there were actually too many disabled animals in need of help, and began researching prosthetics and walkers made for disabled animals abroad. After seeing his remarkable effort, he started to make prosthetics for animals with the support of charitable people and companies, and to receive support from experts, and eventually he was nicknamed The ‘Life mechanic‘.

After the supports it currently receives, it is now able to make more professional walkers with a 3D printer.In total it has removed barriers to more than 500 animals so far. He has received many awards for his work. A documentary was made about him.

Goodness Story 3. Hasan Kızıl, who is taught in class Turkish textbooks,
he was also known for his TEDx talk.
Hasan Kızıl, who describes his relationship with a cow named Baran and his memories with a cute friend named yağmur, had made his name mentioned with that video with Walker projects for disabled animals. He also participated in The Who Wants to be a millionaire contest.

Hasan Kizil has recently started to provide benefits to humans after animals with his work. He made a mechanical hand to a mother. I hope the continuation will continue to see support. Why did I say that, because he's doing a show on Channel D screens right now. Veterinarian Esra şenol is accompanying him.

The life mechanic program began on Channel D in March. The programme finds itself on screens as a new episode a week.

Let's not forget. Watching is also a boost. If we watch, he can help more animals and people.
You can also write to him on his Instagram account about the disabled animals you see around you and the people who need help.
Let me remind you that there is also a YouTube channel.

We thank him for his achievements in his program and his work and for his kindness.
As Ali Samarkandi said ' Intention no fate no’


  1. Grateful to come across Mr Hasan on DW about his kindness and good work.


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