WHO İS Bülent Düzgünoğlu?

Şeref Sözü Sefer Who? Who is Bülent Düzgünoğlu? How old?

Who is Bülent Düzgünoğlu, who gave life to the character of Sefer in the Şeref Sözü series published on Show TV screens? Whence? Wikipedia information. The TV series and movies he played. Twitter and Instagram address. How old? Height, sign and weight. Detailed biography about who he is. Information about.

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The Life of Bülent Düzgünoğlu

Who is Bülent Düzgünoğlu? Twitter and Instagram Address

Bülent Düzgünoğlu was born on 27 March 1973 in Ankara.
He completed his primary and secondary education in Ankara.
Afterwards, he graduated from Bilkent University Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, Department of Theater and Acting.
After graduating from here, he graduated from Istanbul University State Conservatory Acting Department as a second university.

The famous name, who has appeared in many theater plays and films until today, started acting in front of the camera in 2000 with the television series "Hot Hours".
In 2007, he became a name that started to be recognized in the world of TV series with the Crime File series.
He recently played in TV series such as Black and White Love, Broken Flowers, Name Legend, Bozkır and Her Yerde Sen.
He plays the character of Sefer in the TV series Şeref Sözü, which is currently being broadcast on Show TV screens.

The actor, who has been a master in the sector for many years, is a director as well as giving various training on acting at CİHANGİR ATÖLYE STAGE.

Bülent Düzgünoğlu, who continues his acting career as registered with Arzu Gamze Management agency, is Aries horoscope. It is 1.80 tall and 90 kilos.
The famous name, who loves to be alone with nature, playing reeds and fishing, uses Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, although not often.


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