WHO İS Umut Kurt?

Şeref Sözü Hasan Who? Who is Umut Kurt from? How old?

Who is Umut Kurt, who plays the character of Hasan Usta in the TV series Şeref Sözü, and where is he originally from? The TV series and movies he has participated in. How old? Height, sign and weight. Twitter and Instagram address. Does he have a wife or girlfriend? Biography about who he is. Briefly life.

(Note: You can also access our article as a video biography if you wish) https://youtu.be/clV7_wp7-i0

Who is Umut Kurt?

Umut Kurt was born on April 17, 1981 as the first child of the Cemal-Sevim Kurt couple in Erzurum.
He has siblings named Can and Aylin.
His family moved to Kartal, Istanbul when he was a 40-day-old baby. His childhood passed in Kartal.

Before becoming an actor, he worked in many different jobs such as salesmanship, marketing, animation.

He started his theater as an amateur in 1997 at Kartal Art Theater.
She appeared on the stage for the first time at the age of 17 with the theater play “Freedom for Women” on March 8, International Working Women's Day.
He started to study at Müjdat Gezen Art Center Conservatory in 2001, and after graduating in 2005, he joined Beşiktaş Cultural Center actors.

Beynelmilel began to be widely recognized by the movie and the TV series Remember Dear.
He has appeared in many theater plays, movies, musicals and TV series.

In addition to acting as a famous name with ten talents on his ten fingers, he also works as an editor, program writer, presenter and manager.
He is also a musician with a beautiful voice. He can play the baglama well and sings the Turk.
Umut Kurt, who also works as an assistant in acrobatics and pantomime lessons at Müjdat Gezen Art Center conservatory, is also engaged in sports with a license in football, kick box, basketball and track and field.

Actor who was awarded the Promising Actor Award for his performance in The Crossroad at the 17th Adana Golden Boll Film Festival in 2010,
He had recently appeared in the TV series Payitaht Abdulhamit. Hasan Usta plays the character in the series Şeref Sözü, which is currently being broadcast on Show TV screens.

Umut Kurt Instagram and Twitter Address

Umut Kurt actively uses social media and at the time of this article, he has 22.000 followers on his Twitter account and 56.000 followers on his official Instagram account with the blue click.

Umut Kurt, who is registered to the ID management agency, continues his acting career, is single. Originally from Erzincan.
He loves arabesque music and collecting. He is a true animal lover and especially loves dogs.
Classic car and motorcycle enthusiast. Aries. It is 1.78 tall and 73 kilos.
Fanatik Beşiktaş. In fact, his song Dem Ba Ba, which he sang for Beşiktaş, has been listened to millions of times on digital platforms.


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