Watch The Trailer For 11 Episodes Of The Innocent Apartment! New Division

 TRT1's rating record is the 11th episode of the innocent apartment series. What's going to happen in your department? Apartment Of The Innocent 11. Has the episode trailer been released? Has the Official Trailer been posted on his YouTube channel? Apartment Of The Innocent 11. The episode trailer began to be searched extensively by citizens on search engines. 10 of the series the apartment of the innocents. The episode was posted on his official YouTube channel. A trailer is also expected. So we have prepared a new section analysis article for you. First, 10. We added the video for the kidnappers. In the sequel, you can check out our article on the analysis of the innocent apartment series.

Apartment Of The Innocent 10. Watch Episodes!

Apartment Of The Innocent 11. New episode trailer-Series Analysis

After Gulden recently opposed Safiye and threw away the clothes that belonged to his mother in the last episode, Khan showed Pearl the room upstairs and took Khan's brothers to dinner as a family, leaving Safiye alone, when all this happened, Safiye felt bad. Everything will change with his former beloved Naci, who came as a new teacher when he realized that he had no one.
Fixing Safiye will not be easy, but Naci teacher will fight for Safiye.

Gulden, on the other hand, misunderstood Assad's apology and gave hope to Assad again, and Khan and Assad were surprised what he would do. When Khan can't convince Gulden to take him to a psychologist, he will talk to Esat. He will be nice to Gulden, asking her to convince him to take her to a psychologist. Esat will accept this for Khan, but convincing Gulden will not be so easy, and Gulden will leave Esat in very difficult situations.

After the night when Memduh Bey saw Safiye alone in the rain, while Pearl tried her best to help Khan, oda will feel sorry for Khan's family and be different to them. For this reason, he will know and love Han. In this way, Han and Pearl will be able to explain their marriage…


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