Payitaht Abdulhamid 142. Episode Trailer

 Payitaht Abdulhamid new episode trailer released. Payitaht Abdulhamid series 142. The trailer for the episode was posted on his official YouTube channel. So, what will happen in the new episode of the series? 141. what events did the Department stage?

Payitaht Abdulhamid 142. Episode Trailer

Payitaht Abdulhamid new trailer

Payitaht Abdulhamit, the indispensable series of screens that have been watched with great appreciation and interest since the first day of publication, again came to the screens with a legendary episode.

141 on Trt 1 screens on Friday evenings. in the series Payitaht, which is a guest of our homes with the episode, things get out of hand and become impossible to get in front of. As soon as Selim Pasha's name is mentioned, Sultan Abdulhamit, who immediately acted, again acts immediately to find the secret hand behind these events. Martin Efendi, a jurist who came to Istanbul at the invitation of Sultan Abdulhamit, was killed, and of course the most important thing here is to be able to reveal who was involved in this murder.

Everything goes from good to better in the palace. Falling into Aliye's trap, Saliha is surprised by what she has suffered. Deceived by the promise of becoming a bride, Sabuha breathes next to Naime in the palace. Aliya has only one obstacle left to overcome, and that obstacle is her sister Fatma.

Payitaht Abdulhamid What Will Happen In The New Episode?

Excitement for the next episode has peaked. I wonder if Fatma will be able to disrupt and decipher these dirty games of her sister Aliye? Will Tahsin Pasha be able to escape the hands of the secret organization in which he was captured? Sultan Abdulhamid, on the other hand, can take the Indian expedition to the field in order to save the state from its debts and save its friends from its enemies. I wonder how effective this move will be, we will all watch and see. Ashraf Aziz Pasha, who went after the secret organization, will act together with Şehzade Ahmet Nuri. 142 in the series Payitaht Abdulhamid, in which we witness historical events in each episode. See you at the Department.

A reminder, by the way

Payitaht Abdulhamid Will Make The Final?

According to Birsen Altuntas from TV100, TRT 1'S ES film signed series Payitaht Abdulhamid will say goodbye to the screen at the end of this season. The series, which has been on screen on Friday nights for four years, is 155th. it is scheduled to be completed along with its section.


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