MERVE NUR BENGİ Age, birthday, height, series, biography, wikipedia

 The series ‘Ah Nerede-Oh Where', which is watched with interest by Star TV screens, continues its broadcasting life. The lives of the cast in the series are also often the subject of curiosity for this reason. One of the curious actress in the series is Merve Nur Bengi. There are a lot of curious topics about the actor who plays the character of Nihal in the series ’Ah Nerede-Oh Where is He'. Therefore, we have prepared a biography article about the actress for you. (The video biography is attached to the article. If you wish, you can also get information via the video we have prepared on our YouTube channel)

Merve Nur Bengi Birthday - Age - Biography

How old is Merve Nur Bengi? From where? What is his height, weight and zodiac sign? To date, he has starred in series and movies. Wikipedia information. Is he married? Does she have a boyfriend? Instagram and Twitter address. All these topics and questions are Dec searched by viewers in search engines related to search queries. Decode all these topics and questions related to search engines related to search engines related to search engines related to search engines. Thanks to the article we have prepared, you will be able to get the answers to the questions you are interested in. Of course, not all information may be available, but we would like to remind you in advance that we can update our article as we get new information.

How old is she?

She was born on June 20, 1993 in Australia.

She attended high school at Izmir Private Çamlaraltı College.

She completed her undergraduate education at Izmir Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Theater.

She had her first experience with the motion picture Unutursam Fısılda-I Forgot to Whisper, which was released in 2014.

In the same year, she took part in the short film Nemesis'i Uyanırmak-Awakening Nemesis with the role of Esma.

in 2019, she played the character of Çağla Erdem in the series 4N1K: New Beginnings (Yeni Başlanıçlar).

in the series called Öğrenci Evi-Student House, which was broadcast on Exxen in 2021, Deniz gave life to the character of Pelin in the series Geçen Yaz-Last Summer and Melisa in the series Ada Masalı-Island Fairy Tale.

Currently, he is giving life to the character of Nihal Durur in the TV series 'Ah Nerede', which is broadcast on the Star TV television channel.

Who is Ah Nerede Nihal?

Nihal Durur

Nihal is a very hardworking, very competitive, very intelligent young girl who entered the Medical School with the first place and did not leave the first place while studying. He is friends with Zehra from when Zehra was in Medical School. Nihal is one of Ferit's lovers. Like other girls, she has an account to be seen with Ferit.

Height and Weight

He is of the sign of Gemini. he is 1.74 meters tall and weighs 54 kilograms. It is not yet known where he was originally from. It is not known whether the actress has a boyfriend or not, there is also not much information about her private life.

The successful actress continues her acting career by registering with the Televi Management agency.

She speaks English and Dutch well.

A player who is very talented in dancing also has a very good relationship Dec music.

He evaluates his free time by playing sports. She also actively uses social media. At the time of this writing, she has 67,100 followers on Instagram.

Instagram Address mervenurbengi

Merve Nur Bengi TV Series and Movies

Unutursam Fısılda (School girl) – 2014
Nemesis’i Uyandırmak (Esma) – 2014
4N1K (Çağla) – 2019
Öğrenci Evi (Deniz) – 2021
Yaz 96 – 2021
Ada Masalı (Melisa) – 2021
Ah Nerede (Nihal) – 2022


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