EBRU ŞAM biography, age, birthday, height, wikipedia

 Who is Ebru Şam, where is she from, how old is she? Zodiac sign, height and weight. Series and films in which he starred. Who is Ece in the Perfect Match-Mükemmel Eşleşme series? Biography article containing information about his life. Instagram address.

Who is Ebru Şam?

Ebru Şam (born August 18, 1990 in Solingen, Germany) is a Turkish actress and fashion model.

Mother, Akasya Döndü Çelen, his father, Özcan Şam.

Father is an insurer and his mother is an office manager.

She has a sister named Esra Şam.

It is originally Kars. That's the sign of Leo. 1.75 m. he is tall and weighs 53 kilograms.

His childhood was spent in Germany.

When she turned 16, her father enrolled her in a modeling agency.

in 2009, at the insistence of a friend, she applied for the Miss Turkey beauty contest and came to Istanbul from Germany when she passed the qualifiers.

she participated in the Miss Turkey beauty contest held in 2009 and won first place.

She represented Turkey at Miss World 2009. The runner-up of Miss Turkey 2009 was Senem Kuyucuoglu, who participated in the contest from Izmir.

She was trained at the Craft Acting workshop.

in 2010, he joined the series “Adanalı”, starring Oktay Kaynarca, as the 47th director. Esra joined the department as a Commissioner.

Mehmet Akif Alakurt, Selin Demiratar, Serenay Sarikaya, Eda Ozerkan, Zeynep Koltuk, Cemal Hünal, Çağkan Çulha, Umut Oğuz, Tuğçe Özbudak, Fırat Albayram, Volkan Ünal, Dolunay Soysert have played together with players such as.

In 2011, Ebru Şam starred in the 4th episode of the series “Doctors”. He was included in the series during the season.

Kutsi, Ilker Inanoğlu, Leyla Göksun, Melike Güner, Cüneyt Türel, Yağmur Atacan, Selen Seyven, Alpay Kemal Atalan, Gülçin Santircıoğlu played together with players such as.

in 2013, she played the character of Özlem in the TV series Fatih Harbiye. in 2011, Selva Pasta appeared in a Clear Shampoo commercial in 2014. In 2020, she appeared in the motion picture Against All Odds with the role of Katrin.

Nowadays, she gives life to the character of Ece in the Perfect Match-Mükemmel Eşleşme series, which is broadcast on the TRT1 television channel. Hasan Güngör continues to take part in new projects within the management.

At the time of this writing, there are 51,900 followers on the blue click Instagram account. Instagram address ebru_sam


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