CEM BENDER Age, Biography, Movies and tv shows

 Who is Cem Bender, how old is he? His films and TV series in which he starred. Height and weight. Biography article containing information about his life. Who is Oltan in the Aldatmak Series?

Who is Cem Bender? how old is he?

Cem Bender is a Turkish serial film and theater actor born in Trabzon in 1965. 1.70 m. he is tall and weighs 55 kilograms. Icon Talent continues his career as a manager. From time to time, he gives acting trainings to aspiring actors. Instagram address cembender0

He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Architecture, and then received a Master's degree in Urban Regional Planning from the Department of Architecture of Mimar Sinan University. She also received acting trainings at Studio Actors.

He had his first series acting experience in 2005 with the series Sultan Makamı. He had his first film experience with the role of Mahmut in the film Berdel.

Omar and Biz,  Senin Hikayen, Sessiz, Evdeki Yabancılar, Labirent, Güz Sancısı are among the films in which he starred.

Alev Alev , Hakan: Muhafız, Gülperi, Kurt Seyit ve Şura, Çıplak Gerçek, Ağır Roman Yeni Dünya, Güldünya, Kara Yılan, Rüya Gibi, Esir Kalpler, Seher Vakti, Arapsaçı, Saklı Yüzler are among the TV series he played.

Today, he plays the character of Oltan Kaşifoğlu in the ATV series Aldatmak.

Who is Oltan Kaşifoğlu in the Series To Aldatmak?

Tarık's close friend, client, and mentor Oltan is a very wealthy, old-fashioned businessman who owns a construction company. Although it is not the mafia, it does not hesitate to use people who are in a difficult situation to do illegal work.


2019 Omar ve Biz – Maryna Gorbach, Mehmet Bahadır Er (İsmet)
2013 Senin Hikayen – Tolga Örnek (Meral'in Doktoru)
2012 Sessiz (Kısa Film) – L. Rezan Yeşilbaş
2012 Evdeki Yabancılar – Dilek Keser, Ulaş Güneş Kaçargil
2011 Labirent – Tolga Örnek (Uğur)
2008 Güz Sancısı – Tomris Giritlioğlu (Adli Tıp Görevlisi)
2006 Saklı Yüzler – Handan İpekçi
1990 Berdel – Atıf Yılmaz (Mahmut)


2022 Aldatmak (Oltan Kaşifoğlu)
2020-2021 Alev Alev (Çelebi Kayabeyli)
2018-2019 Hakan: Muhafız (Timur)
2018-2019 Gülperi (Seyit)
2014 Kurt Seyit ve Şura
2012 Çıplak Gerçek (Harun)
2011 Muhteşem Yüzyıl (Mustafa Ağa)
2012 Ağır Roman Yeni Dünya (Entel)
2009 Güldünya (Ali Görgün)
2007 Kara Yılan (Osman)
2006 Rüya Gibi (Şafak)
2006 Esir Kalpler (Nihat Akerman)
2005 Seher Vakti (Tarık)
2004 Arapsaçı (Aziz)
2005 Sultan Makamı (Ahmet)


2019 Antakya Film Festival 'Best Actor Award – Omar Ve Biz
2020 Fantasporto International Film Festival 'Best Actor Award' – Omar Ve Biz
2020 South Eastern European Film Festival Paris ‘Best Actor Award – Omar Ve Biz

Theater Games

2016- Godot’yu Beklerken / Oyuncu

2010- 10 Adımda Unutmak – Anti Prome / Oyuncu

2008- Karanlık Korkusu / Oyuncu

2006- Evridike’nin Çığlığı / Oyuncu

2004- Oidipus Sürgünde / Oyuncu

2002- Oidipus Nerede / Oyuncu

2000 – (OYUN)CU / Oyuncu

1996- Gergedanlaşma / Oyuncu

1994- Beş Kısa Oyun / Oyuncu

1993- Mutlu Günler / Oyuncu

1991- Sevdalı Bulut / İşçi / Devedikeni


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