Watch the Last Episode of BİR KÜÇÜK GÜN IŞIĞI! 23. Watch The Episode - Trailer for Episode 24

 Watch The Last Episode of Bir Küçük Gün Işığı! Watch Episode 23 - Episode 24 Trailer. The new part is the trailer.

Due to the great earthquake disaster in Turkey, television channels had Decoupled the broadcast of the series. Gradually, new episodes of the series began to be broadcast. One of the series that came before the audience with the new episode was Bir Küçük Gün Işığı series.

Bir Küçük Gün Işığı, atv tv channel 23. he appeared before the audience with his section. 23. 24, right after the episode ended. the episode trailer has started to be awaited with excitement. 24. the series, which will continue with the episode, will be broadcast every Monday at 20.00. The rating rate that the series will receive after the given Dec is a matter of curiosity. It is generally known that when the series is interrupted, there are losses in the audience of the series Dec. Nevertheless, Bir Küçük Gün Işığı series has a large audience and the series is not expected to make a finale until the end of the season.

Bir Küçük Gün Işığı Watch The Last Episode

"Tears of the Sun”

Elif has been removed from the water, but Dila is still among the Decaying waters of the Black Sea. Fırat is at the head of the teams day and night. While Güneş worries about Dila, she tries to cope with this trauma on the one hand. Elif and Fırat take him to a psychologist. The search teams stop their work, it is impossible to find Deca safely anymore. The family is distraught that Dila shows up. He has received a report that he is healthy at this time, he wants custody of the Sun. Elif is determined not to give the Sun to Dila. However, Dila has received a strong support behind him. Feraye... In exchange for Dila's shares in the company, Feraye will ensure that he receives custody. Umran also learned the location of his mother, who was Feraye's weak point. When Umran thinks that he has cornered Feraye, Feraye makes a move that Umran's mind will not take. While Dila goes to the Sun and triggers their trauma, Elif decides to put an end to it at all costs. With its heart-warming narration and heart-touching story, “One Little Daylight” is on ATV on Monday evenings with its new episodes.

Watch The Last Episode of Bir Küçük Gün Işığı FULL

Bir Küçük Gün Işığı 24. Episode Trailer | "I can't do it without the Sun!''

Bir Küçük Gün Işığı 24. WATCH the Episode Trailer


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