Actor BARIŞ BAKTAŞ Biography, Series, Movies, Drama List, Family, Age, Height, Songs, Wife - KAN ÇİÇEKLERİ Baran

 Who is Barış Baktaş and where is he from? Movies and TV series in which he played. Who is actually the Baran in the Kan Çiçekleri series?

How old is Barış Baktaş? How did he become an actor? When did he get married? Birthday, wife, sign, height, weight, eye color. Photos of Peace Baktaş.

Barış Baktaş is currently on the agenda with the Kan Çiçekleri series and songs she is taking part in. Barış Baktaş plays the leading roles in the series with Yağmur Yüksel. The series starring Barış Baktaş and Yağmur Yüksel attracted great attention for one season. The series is expected to receive more attention in the new season.

Barış Baktaş's private life and family are also among the most curious topics.Dec. Videos about Barış Baktaş's amazing, movie-like life story and interview, clip, edit videos are also receiving great attention. So who is the Peace Baktaş?

Barış Baktaş Biography

Barış Baktaş is a TV series and film actor born on February 12, 1997 in Batman. He is also a musician.

He attended elementary, middle and high school in Batman.

He is the eldest child in his family.

He has two brothers and two sisters.

His father (Abdulaziz Baktaş) is a businessman, his mother is a housewife.

Since his childhood, he has been intertwined with trade with his father.

He moved to Istanbul in 2015 to study at university.

After that, he graduated from Istanbul Commerce University “Accounting and Audit” department.

After appearing in several advertising films during her university years, he took a step into acting by acting as an extra in 2017.

He received acting training from Ayşen Inci and Bülent Emin Yarar and stage and improvisation training from Bülent Çolak.

Stanislavski, Eric Morris, Ivana Chubuck, Yoshi Oida etc. he has learned many methods and acting techniques such as.

In 2019, Barış Baktaş played the role of the Pecheneg Commander in the film Malazgirt 1071.

She appeared in the Iranian film Askhe Khoda in 2020 as Burak, in the horror film Ceberruh in 2021 as Koray, and in the film No: 26 Ölüm Çığlığı in 2022 as Barış.

In 2021, he played Crown Prince Uzlak Shah in the documentary film Tarihin Efsaneleri broadcast on TRT and King Henry in the documentary Savaşın Efsaneleri.

Currently, he gives life to the character of Baran Karabey in the series Kan Çiçekleri, which is broadcast daily on the Kanal 7 television channel.

Ayça Irgan is the manager of the handsome actor.

he is 1.84 meters tall and 84 kilograms.

He is from the sign of Aquarius.

He is actually Batman.

in 2021, he married Gülüm Akbaş in Ankara.

Her husband has worked as a reporter in the past and is a beautician.

Barış Baktaş is busy with singing as well as acting.

He writes lyrics and composes.

There are about forty pieces that have been written.

Barış Baktaş presented his single ”Öldüm" to the audience in 2020.

He shot the clip with his nephews in his own village.

in 2021, together with his friend Alp Keskin, he released a cover song called Öptüm Nefesinden.

Also in 2021, he released the single “Tutamıyorum”, the lyrics and music of which belong to him, from Zeki Sincar's music company and presented it to the audience.

in 2022, he released the song Hapsoldum on his YouTube channel netd music.

Barış Baktaş liked to travel, ride horses, write lyrics and compose very much in the time left over from his job.

He was also trying to get hardware training so that he could contribute to his acting.

He was interested in activities that would contribute to his profession, such as front-of-camera combat training, sword use, horse riding, dancing.

The young actor actively uses Twitter and Instagram on social media.

At the time of writing, has 19,600 followers on his Twitter account and 416,000 followers on his Instagram account.

In addition, there are numerous fan accounts opened in his name on many social media platforms.


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