ERKAN BEKTAŞ Series and Movies - Biography, Age, Height

 Who is Erkan Bektaş? TV series and movies in which he played. Where is he originally from? How old is he? Height, weight, sign. A biography article containing information about his life. Who is Vural in the Safir series?

Erkan Bektaş, born on March 11, 1972 in Ankara, is a voice actor, theater, cinema and TV series actor.

He completed his primary and secondary education in Ankara. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Language and History-Geography, Acting department. Among the theaters where he works are theaters such as Ercan Yazgan – Bülent Kayabaş Theater, Theater Tempo, Game Workshop, Studio Actors, Theater Playhouse, Theater Audience. Dec. In addition, he has acted in TV series of films, directed voice acting and worked as an artist. in 2010, he founded his own theater, Theater Owl. The 30th of the Muhteşem Yüzyıl series. in the episode, he played Kalender Çelebi and sang the saying Niyazizmiz Pirs from his own voice.

Erkan Bektas, who entered the world of television in 2003, is best known for the character he portrayed in the TV series Ihlamurlar Altında in 2005. He has starred in TV series such as Kara Yılan, Kül ve Ateş, Şefkat Tepe, Muhteşem Yüzyıl, Leyla ile Mecnun, Böyle Bitmesin, Umutsuz Ev Kadınları, Adını Kalbime Yazdım. Erkan Bektas, who also stepped into the world of cinema, took part in the cast of the films Sağ Salim 2, Geriye Kalan, Kaledeki Yalnızlık, Bornova Bornova ve Başka Semtin Çocukları. in 2015, he played the character of Ateş in the series Eşkiya Dünyaya Hükümdar Olmaz , which was broadcast on ATV screens.

Abdulkadir Keskin in the TV series 'Bir Zamanlar Çukurova' was appreciated by the audience.

He gives life to the character of Vural Bakırcıoğlu in the series Safir, which is currently being broadcast on the ATV television channel.

The actor from Ankara is from the sign of Pisces. he is 1.78 meters tall and 75 kilograms.

The actor has a son named Hope.

At the time of writing, he has 75,000 followers on his Instagram account and 2,561 followers on his Twitter account.

Who is Safir Vural Bakırcıoğlu?

He is the child of a poor family born in Cappadocia. He is an ambitious person who wants to have power, who has been abandoned by his family. That is why he is a person who has established himself on the dark side of the business world and has had a great financial gain. He has two adult children named Bade and Bora and is very fond of them. There is no dangerous game that he will not enter for money and his family. He met Ahmet, the son of Ömer Gülsoy, at an age when we can call him a child, and he made Ömer love himself. Vural, whose only lack is reputation, is someone who aimed to gain this lack through his partnerships with Ömer Gülsoy.

TV Series And Movies

Düğüm -  İrfan

Son Dilek  - Osman

Safir - (2023-) - Vural

Sipahi - (2022-2023) - Habtor Bin Said

Âşıklar Bayramı - (2022) - Çavuş Bekir

Âkif - (2021) - Kuşçubaşı Eşref

Bir Zamanlar Çukurova - (2021-2022) - Abdülkadir Keskin

Akıncı - (2021) - Kemal

Gülperi - (2018-2019) - Eyüp

Börü - (2018) - Timur Gür

Eşkıya Dünyaya Hükümdar Olmaz - (2015-2018) - Ateş

Serçe Sarayı - (2015)- Mahir

Sağ Salim 2: Sil Baştan - (2014) - Sacit

Adını Kalbime Yazdım - (2013-2014) - Naser

Benim İçin Üzülme - (2012-2014) - Mustafa

Umutsuz Ev Kadınları - (2013-2014) - Yavuz

Yırtık Uçurtma, Hava Nasıl Oralarda, - (2013)

Böyle Bitmesin - (2013)

Muhteşem Yüzyıl - Kalender Çelebi (2011)

Leyla ile Mecnun - 27. Bölüm - (2011) - Uzay Gemisi Kaptanı

Geriye Kalan - (2011) - Cezmi

Aşk ve Ceza - (2010-2011) - Yavuz Moran

Bahar Dalları - (2009) - Serdar

Kül ve Ateş - (2009) - Cemal

Başka Semtin Çocukları - 2008 - Haydar

Bir Varmış Bir Yokmuş - (2008) - Sabri

Karayılan - (2007-2008) - Şahin Bey

Ihlamurlar Altında - (2005-2007) - Salih

Fay Grim

Esir Kalpler - (2006)


Acı Kin

Büyük Umutlar


Bornova Bornova

Theater plays

Macbeth : William Shakespeare - Tiyatro Pangar - 2012

Gece O Kadar Kirliydi Ki İkisi De Kayboldular : Plinio Marcos - Tiyatro Baykuş - 2010

Azizname : Aziz Nesin - Tiyatro Seyirlik - 2006

Döne Döne : Werner Schwab - Tiyatro Oyunevi - 2004

Kesme Şeker : Oyun Atölyesi - 2002

Son Gülen İyi Gülermiş


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