MÜNİR CAN CİNDORUK Series and Movies - Biography, Height

 Who is Münir Can Cindoruk? Where is he originally from? TV series and films in which he played. How old is he? Height, weight, sign. A biography article containing information about his life. Who is Çetin in the Safir series?

Münir Can Cindoruk is an actor born on May 30, 1990 in Adana. He is the brother of Caner Cindoruk and Taner Cindoruk, who are actors like himself. Munir Can Cindoruk's father is Zafer Cindoruk. Zafer Cindoruk, a short story writer, has been awarded many awards for his success throughout his life.

Münir Can Cindoruk is a graduate of the Theater Department of Istanbul University State Conservatory and has been acting since 2008. Originally from Adana, the actress is interested in photography outside of acting.

The series in which the actor, who also has theater plays, takes part; Dayan Yüreğim, Babalar ve Evlatlar, Not Defteri, Saklı, Sıcak Kafa, Elkızı are the series. The cinema projects in which she has acted are the films Kelebek, Ankara Yazı, Okul Tıraşı, Bars, Kuru Otlar Üstüne, Mola ve Bir Şey Değilim. He is currently portraying the character of Çetin in the series Safir, which is being broadcast on the ATV television channel.

Münir Can Cindoruk is from the sign of Gemini. he is 1.80 meters tall and 80 kilograms. At the time of writing, he has 39,700 followers on his Instagram account.

TV Series Starring Münir Can Cindoruk

Safir / Çetin / 2023

Sıcak Kafa / Hakan/ 2022

Elkızı / Ali / 2021

Saklı / Caner / 2021

Dayan Yüreğim /2017

Not Defteri / Koray / 2014

Babalar ve Evlatlar / 2012

Films Starring Munir Can Cindoruk

Mola / Hasan / Short Film 2023

Kuru Otlar Üstüne / Feyyaz / 2023

Bars / Veysel / 2023

Okul Tıraşı / Yusuf / 2021

Yilankavi / Short Film / 2020

Ankara Yazı Veda Mektubu / Mustafa Pehlivanoğlu / 2016

Bir Şey Değilim / Mahmut / 2016

Weird Times / Short Film / Kadir /2015

Yabancı / Short Film / 2011 

Kelebek / Kahraman / 2009

Theater Plays

Fırtına / Ferdinand - 2017

Torun İstiyorum / Oğul - 2016

Sessizlik / Ethelred - 2012



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