TURKİSH ACTOR BURAK DENİZ Series and Movies - Drama List, Biography, Height in feet, Age,

 Who is Burak Deniz and where is he originally from? The TV series and movies he starred in. New series. How old is? Age, height, weight, sign, lover. Whose son is he? His family, his mother, his father. A biography article containing information about his life. Who is Kenan in the series of Bambaşka Biri?

Burak Deniz was born on February 17, 1991 in Istanbul. He grew up in Izmit. Izmit 50. After a year of Republican Primary School, he graduated from Gazi High School and studied Art History at Çanakkale Onsekiz March University.

He started acting when he was discovered by Gökçe Doruk Erten, a casting director in Istanbul, at an acting workshop he went to when he was in high school.

He gained her first acting experience with the TV series Kolej Günlüğü (2011), Sultan (2012), Kaçak (2013), Medcezir (2014), Tatlı Küçük Yalancılar (2015), Gecenin Kraliçesi (2016), Aşk Laftan Anlamaz (2016-2017), Bizim Hikaye (2017-2019) and Maraşlı (2021), respectively, in the series; Blu TV, which is also broadcast over the Internet – Yarım Kalan Aşklar (2020), Disney Plus – Cahil Periler (2022), Netflix – Şahmaran (2023) and FOX - Bambaşka Biri (2023) have also appeared as the lead role in the series.

In addition to her series projects, Burak Deniz has taken the lead role in the motion picture 'ARADA' directed by Mu Tunç, portraying a punk teenager named Ozan, and the character 'Semih' in the film 'Kal' directed by Ozan Açıktan, released on the Netflix platform.

Gökçe Doruk Erten is the manager of Burak Deniz. The handsome actor, who is originally from Izmit, is 1.78 meters tall and 75 kilograms. There is no known lover at the moment. Burak Deniz is from the sign of Aquarius.

His father Teoman Deniz passed away in 2020. In addition, her mother Zuhal Hanım also passed away in 2014.

At the time of preparation of this article, he has 269,100 followers on his Twitter account and 6 million 800 thousand followers on his Instagram account.

The successful actor currently portrays the character Kenan Ozturk in the TV series Bambaşka Biri, which is broadcast on the FOX television channel. Burak Deniz shares the lead roles with Hande Erçel in the series.

Who is the Kenan Ozturk Character in the TV Series Bambaşka Biri?

The most successful, most famous main news bulletin presenter in Turkey. He is also a smart, witty and handsome man. When the mysterious killer of a murder committed in Istanbul chooses Kenan to make his voice heard, Kenan finds himself in an adventure with the prosecutor of the investigation, Leyla. This beautiful woman, whom he liked at first sight, impressed Kenan very much. However, Kenan's mysterious illness, which even he was unaware of, will be a big test for Kenan and Leyla.

Burak Öztürk TV Series

2011 / Kolej Günlüğü - Onur (TNT)

2012 / Sultan - Tarık ( Kanal D)

2013-2015 / Kaçak - Burak Topçuoğlu (atv)

2015 / Medcezir Aras - (Star TV)

2015 / Tatlı Küçük Yalancılar - Toprak Kaynak

2016 / Gecenin Kraliçesi - Mert Marden

2016-2017 / Aşk Laftan Anlamaz - Murat Sarsılmaz (Show TV)

2017-2019 / Bizim Hikaye - Barış Aktan / Savaş (FOX)

2021 / Maraşlı - Celal Kün / Mehmet İnce (Maraşlı) (atv)

2023 / Bambaşka Biri - Kenan Öztürk (FOX)

Internet Series And Movies

2020 / Yarım Kalan Aşklar - Ozan / Mehmet Kadir Bilmez (BluTV)

2022 / Cahil Periler - Asaf (Disney+)

2022 / Kal - Semih (Film) (Netflix)

2023 / Şahmaran - Maran Yaloğlu (Netflix)


2018 / Arada – Ozan

Advertising Projects in Which He Took Part

Koton (together with Melisa Şenolsun)

Head &Shoulders

Oral-B (Digital advertising face)


GQ Men of the Year 2017 - Rising Actor of the Year

Latina Turkish Awards Awards 2019 - Best Actor

Latina Turkish Awards Awards 2019 – Best TV Series Couple (Hazal Kaya & Burak Deniz)

5. Best Brands of the City Awards 2021 – Best Actor


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