4 Practical Suggestions for Your Personal Care

 In this article, we have prepared 4 suggestions for personal care for you. Let's move on to our suggestions that will make your life easier without wasting time. Here are 4 practical suggestions for your personal care.

1- The simplest methods of getting rid of heel cracks

Heel cracks have become a problem for many people. In particular, this problem is annoying for women.

You can get rid of heel cracks with a few products in your home. For this, rose water will come to your rescue. Mix the desired amount of rose water and moisturizing cream in a bowl. Apply to the area where your heel cracks are. Apply this mixture at night before going to bed and put socks on your feet.

Another method is massage with cocoa butter. Mix cocoa butter with bitter almond oil. Apply to the problem part.

One of the products that do not stop counting the benefits to our skin is olive oil. Apply olive oil to the cracked parts of your heel. Continue the process until the cracks are removed.

2- Mask to revitalize the skin

As the weather warms up, the skin definitely requires care. The main rule of good skin care is to cleanse according to the structure of the skin and revitalize the skin.

Cleansing the skin is very important. The skin should be cleaned not only in the evening, but also in the morning. You can prepare a mask to revive the skin. For the mask, you need 5 aspirin, a tablespoon of yogurt, ½ tablespoon of honey.

As for its preparation, mix aspirin with other products by crushing. Apply the mixture to your face and wait for 30 minutes. Then clean it with warm water.Your skin will be more vibrant.

3- Use this mask for detention bruises

Bruises that form under your eyes cause the face to look lifeless and unhealthy. You can apply a potato mask to get rid of this situation.

Detention bruises can be explained by excessive fatigue, stress, alcohol and cigarette use, and these factors can also lead to an increase in bruises under the eyes. You can get rid of these bruises that bother you with potatoes and chamomile. First, put the potato through a strainer and puree it.Apply the puree to the areas with bruises and wait. Then wash your face with chamomile tea. The potassium and starch contained in potatoes will eliminate bruises in a short time.

4- Solution for quickly lubricating hair

If you complain about frequent lubrication of your hair, you can get rid of the problem with this method.

This mask, which you will prepare with natural plants, is an indispensable tool for your scalp and hair. To prepare the mask, you need 10 grams of lime flowers, one lemon, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, one liter of water. Add the lime flower, the peel of the filtered lemon to a liter of water. Brew for 10 minutes like tea. Drain and add apple cider vinegar. Wet the hair bottoms with this mixture and wait. To get rid of oily hair, you should stay away from peppery foods. Apple cider vinegar is useful for hair. Also, apply 4 eggs by massaging into the hair. Wait like this for 15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.

How should we get in front of hair lubrication?

There are many natural oils on your scalp and hair strands. In fact, your scalp prepares between 2-4 grams of sebum oil every day Decoction. This amount is equal to ½ teaspoon of sunflower oil. You can't change the amount of oil your hair skin produces every day, but you can control it. For example, combing the hair with a hairbrush with natural bristles removes the oil accumulated on the scalp, evenly distributes the oil towards the ends of the hair. This prevents the formation of oily roots and dry hair at the tip.



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