Twitter's Journey to X and Beyond

 When was Twitter founded? What year was Twitter founded? When did it come to Turkey? When was the first tweet sent, and what did it say? We, as, have researched the answers to all these questions for you. We wanted to provide you with as much information as possible, so we have organized our article under various headings. We hope we've prepared a useful article for you. Here’s everything you need to know about Twitter...

When the social media world was introduced to Twitter, founded in 2006, no one could have predicted that this simple microblogging platform would become such a powerful tool in such a short time. Twitter, offering users the ability to speak to the world with 140-character short messages, quickly became a national phenomenon. In this article, we have examined Twitter’s evolution from its founding, its impact in Turkey, its role in the Gezi Park protests, the hashtag revolution, and the new era under Elon Musk’s leadership.

Twitter Says "Hello" in 2006

Twitter was launched in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, Evan Williams, and Noah Glass as a simple microblogging platform in the digital world. Initially introduced as "twttr," the platform allowed users to share short and concise messages. The 140-character limit became a distinguishing feature, quickly attracting a broad user base. The idea of saying a lot with fewer words caught on faster than anyone anticipated. What happened next? Let's continue to find out more...

Twitter's Early Years

Twitter made a significant breakthrough during the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference in 2007. Users shared real-time updates about the conference, showcasing Twitter’s potential as a news source. By 2008, Twitter had reached millions of users. The company had to expand its infrastructure to support its rapidly growing user base. Despite frequent technical issues, the platform’s popularity continued to grow, increasing user interest even more.

Twitter's Arrival in Turkey

After its global launch in 2006, Twitter began to be used in Turkey shortly thereafter. However, it wasn't until between 2009 and 2010 that Turkish users started using Twitter actively. This period coincided with the increasing popularity of social media in Turkey. From 2011 to 2013, Twitter gained a large user base in Turkey and became a crucial communication tool during social events.

The first tweet in Turkey was sent by Oğuzhan Saruhan in 2007. His tweet said, "If I work on this a little more, I think I'll figure out this microblogging thing," marking the first Twitter user in Turkey. This tweet holds an important place among early Twitter users in Turkey.

Twitter's Role in the 2013 Gezi Park Protests

In 2013, Twitter played a critical role in information flow and organization during the Gezi Park protests in Turkey. Protesters quickly communicated and organized via Twitter, and the platform had a significant impact on spreading the events to a wider audience. Additionally, Twitter was used as an alternative news source when traditional media was accused of being silenced or censored. This period solidified Twitter's social and political importance in Turkey.

However, during the Gezi Park protests, Twitter also faced the risk of spreading misinformation and disinformation, leading to discussions about both the positive and negative aspects of the platform. The government pointed to social media's role in spreading "false information" and argued that the platform should be monitored.

The Gezi Park events showed how powerful Twitter could be in Turkey and marked a turning point in digital activism.

Over time, Twitter also became a hub for dark organizations. Various state secrets even started being leaked via Twitter. At times, Twitter was banned in Turkey, but its users loved the platform so much that even when it was banned, millions continued to access it via VPN. The trending feature became seen as indispensable.

The Power of Hashtags and Their Global Impact

The introduction of hashtags in 2007 fundamentally changed Twitter's influence on social media. Initiated by Chris Messina, hashtags allowed users to rally around specific topics. Hashtags turned Twitter into a hub for real-time information sharing, amplifying its effect during major events like natural disasters, elections, and protests. During the 2011 Arab Spring, Twitter became a vital tool for organizing people and had a global impact.

Beyond the Character Limit

In 2017, Twitter expanded its 140-character limit to 280, allowing users to share more information and enriching the platform’s content. But this was just the beginning. When Elon Musk acquired Twitter in 2022, Twitter Blue subscribers were offered the ability to send tweets up to 4,000 characters. This allowed for more in-depth content. Twitter's development was not limited to character limits; features like video, GIF, and photo sharing further enriched the platform. However, some users did not welcome these changes. It’s well known that Twitter usage has decreased in recent years. The closing of many fake accounts, along with the unintended closure of real users' accounts, led to a decline in interest.

The Rise of Video and Visual Content

Over time, Twitter evolved from a text-based platform into one where visual and video content took center stage. Users began expressing themselves through photos, videos, and GIFs. Twitter also enabled real-time video sharing through tools like Periscope, strengthening the platform’s dynamic nature. But some users saw these changes as a departure from the platform’s original spirit, criticizing it for becoming too similar to other social networks.

Twitter Influences Politics!

Twitter gradually became a primary communication tool for politicians, celebrities, and leaders. The 2016 U.S. presidential election, particularly Donald Trump’s effective use of Twitter, demonstrated the platform’s political power. Twitter became a central platform for global political discussions. However, this influence also complicated Twitter's relationships with governments, leading to tensions over censorship and free speech. These tensions led to the platform being banned in many countries.

Twitter's Transformation into X

Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter in 2022 dramatically changed the platform's future. Musk rebranded Twitter as “X,” transforming it into part of a larger digital ecosystem. This rebranding included a new logo, user interface, and operational changes. Under Musk, the blue check verification system was restructured as part of the Twitter Blue subscription. Twitter now allows users to earn money, but the new feature has not gained much traction due to limitations and insufficient payment options.

Twitter’s Future

Twitter has evolved from a simple microblogging platform into a global communication network and now into the broader digital ecosystem known as “X.” By adapting to user needs and technological innovations, the platform remains central to the digital world. What comes next for Twitter is uncertain, but it’s clear that whether known as Twitter or X, it will continue to be at the heart of digital communication.


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