What is Blogger Actually?

 Although Blogger has been active for years, it remains relatively unknown to many people. In search engines, the most frequent queries are: What is Blogger? What does Blogger mean? What is Blogger used for? Can you make money with Blogger? This shows that even after all these years, Blogger is still not a well-known platform. In this article, sondurumne.com will try to provide detailed and accurate information about Blogger.

Many pieces of information published online about Blogger are incomplete, incorrect, or distorted. Moreover, many of the available articles are outdated. Even when you look at Wikipedia, you'll find only a few sentences discussing its banning. Now, in this article, we will provide a detailed answer to the question: What is Blogger really? Let’s make one thing clear: this article will certainly attract strong opposition. We will explain the reason for this within the article. So, without further delay, let’s continue...

What is Blogger and How Is It Used?

Blogger is a free blog creation platform offered by Google. It allows users to create blogs easily without needing technical knowledge. Users can create personal journals, professional blogs, portfolios, and more through Blogger.

Google Blogger has been around since the golden age of the internet, providing a simple yet effective blog platform. With its easy-to-use interface, powerful tools, and Google integration, Blogger is an ideal environment for both beginners and experienced bloggers.

Why Wordpress?

The first two paragraphs contained general statements. Our goal is to inform internet users who have no prior knowledge of Blogger. Our second objective is to warn those who have misunderstood Blogger due to misinformation. The main aim of this article is to help you benefit from the advantages of Blogger's infrastructure. Let’s explain in simple terms...

Blogger is the platform behind some of the websites you visit daily. Many websites are built using paid, custom, or ready-made software. The majority, however, are created with Wordpress infrastructure. When you research how to launch a website, you'll often come across advice like: "You must use Wordpress for your site." This advice is also common in forums and companies providing these services. But why doesn’t anyone say, "You can also do this with Blogger"? Isn't that strange? You use Google as your search engine, but everyone tells you, "Don't use Blogger." As a result, after your research, you are convinced to create your site with Wordpress. Up to this point, everything seems normal. The experts guiding you simply don’t have any knowledge of Blogger; their expertise lies in Wordpress. Naturally, they are inclined to direct you toward their area of expertise. But is this really what you need? Let’s move forward...

Before proceeding, let’s insert this: If you are working on special projects, custom software might be essential for you. If someone capable of realizing your project says they can do it with Wordpress, then Wordpress should indeed be your choice. But for example, if you are looking to create a news site and have limited funds for the project, or if you are a student wanting to experiment, or if you want to create a personal website, or perhaps you own a small business and wish to promote it — these scenarios can be multiplied. Here is where the problem begins. Many people, who could easily launch their site with Blogger, are misled and end up in situations that ultimately result in failure. After a year, you might find the site closed down and the project abandoned.

So, why does this mistake continue to happen? Here’s where things get a bit complicated. Wordpress is a platform that can be supported by various plugins, making it easier for developers to work faster and more flexibly. They can offer clients a wide variety of themes. Additionally, as most websites operate on this infrastructure, a kind of cycle continues.

Differences Between Wordpress and Blogger

Now let’s address some commonly misunderstood or distorted topics. There are already plenty of criticisms about Blogger. A quick search on this topic will reveal many. You’ll also frequently come across praise for Wordpress. But once you start building a Wordpress site, you'll realize things aren’t as they seem. Still, many continue to struggle with complex problems on their site and spend money on them for years, simply because they haven't used or seen an alternative platform. Every issue requires money to fix. Every template you want to use for a project costs money. Let’s move forward...

A Brand-New Problem: "Speeding Up Your Site"

With a bit of research, many SEO experts will tell you that the speed at which your site opens affects your ranking in search engines and increases traffic by satisfying users. They will also tell you that you need a fast-loading, error-free site theme after securing a quality and expensive hosting service. At this point, you might be wondering: Who’s faster, a Blogger site or a Wordpress site? Now, let’s get to the first surprising and misunderstood point.

There’s a concept called Wordpress site speed optimization. This is a paid service. It takes a lot of effort and money to find someone who does this job well. Each theme requires different processes. But this problem won’t arise when you launch your site on Blogger, and you won’t have to pay for it.

Paying Annually for Themes? Hosting Fees? Do They Affect Site Speed? What’s Going On?

We mentioned earlier that site speed depends on working with a quality hosting company. You’ll have to pay monthly or yearly fees to these companies. After sorting that out, your site might still have slow loading times. At this point, you’ll be told that you need to purchase various paid plugins to speed up your site, and you'll be trapped in a cycle, continually paying for those plugins. After solving all this, you’ll be told that your theme isn’t good and that you need to purchase a better one. Once you do that, your site will start experiencing errors, and every time you encounter a problem, you'll need to find someone to fix it and pay them again. When you finally get Adsense approval, you'll face another issue (more on that in a later paragraph). After receiving approval, you’ll need to hire someone to handle your ad placements, and they will charge you for that too. Even after solving everything, your problems won’t end. Wordpress sites are susceptible to attacks, errors after attacks, and hacking. Many examples of this exist. That’s why Wordpress is constantly updated, and plugins, each with their own vulnerabilities, are also updated.

What is Blogger Actually? Why Should You Use Blogger?

Instead of listing reasons to use Blogger, we’ll summarize them in paragraphs. Now, let’s outline them...

Blogger site owners don’t pay the hosting fees that Wordpress site owners do because Google handles this for you at no cost. You won’t face site speed problems because you’re working directly with Google. Blogger is owned by Google, and your site is created with your Google account. Wordpress is full of security vulnerabilities, whereas Blogger sites are secure. No one can interfere with your site without accessing your Google account. A blog created with a Google account that has extra security measures like phone verification cannot be hacked. Plugins that you add to your Wordpress site will slow it down. This is not an issue with Blogger. Google employees handle all the updates for you.

The most common criticism of Blogger is that its system is outdated and lacks sufficient theme options. However, this is neither true nor accurate. Blogger's own themes are designed by Google engineers according to SEO rules and are mobile-friendly. The most widespread misconception is that these themes aren’t good. This is absolutely false. The simpler a theme is, the faster your site will load. This is why Blogger themes are minimalistic. Many flashy themes with moving bars and large rotating images that look attractive at first glance will slow down your site’s loading speed. Notice how most major websites use simple themes. Additionally, you can upload a custom theme to your blog. If you don’t want to use Blogger's own themes, you can upload your own.

Ads and Ad Placement

Another important topic is ads and ad placement. First, Blogger sites are automatically recognized by all Google tools. This makes it easier for you to use services like Search Console, Analytics, and Google News. Google Adsense also approves ads more easily for Blogger sites. You can also easily arrange ad placements from your dashboard. While we’re on the subject, managing a Blogger site is very simple. The dashboard is straightforward and easy for everyone to use. You can access your site’s analytics without needing any plugins. Furthermore, you won’t be overwhelmed by spam comments. In Wordpress, spam comments can be a nightmare; your blog will constantly be flooded with them.

The Choice Is Yours

In this article, we’ve tried to provide accurate information about what Blogger really is. This might be the only article that reveals the real facts about Blogger. Of course, the points discussed here are subjective. You are welcome to share your opinions, whether positive or negative, in the comments section. See you in the next article. Whether you choose Blogger or Wordpress is up to you. The choice is yours...


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